What is a CDN? What interest in SEO and for your website?


What is a CDN?

A CDN or Content Delivery Network, which means "content distribution network" or "content distribution network", is a network of servers geographically distributed around the world (points of presence or PoP), between the server that hosts your website and the location of Internet users who visit the pages of your website.

To minimize the distance between each visitor and the server that hosts a website, each web server in the CDN infrastructure stores a cached version of the website content in multiple geographic locations.

The objective is to provide high availability and high performance by distributing your content (e.g., pages, photos, videos) and your pages as close as possible to where your Internet users are.

What are the interests of a CDN in SEO?

Setting up a CDN is beneficial to your SEO. By reducing page load times on your site, you provide a better user experience and improve your search engine rankings.

Indeed, your website's performance (page and media loading speed) and user experience are now part of the ranking criteria for your site in Google or Bing search engines.

As we mentioned in a previous article on Google's new essential web signals (Web Core Vitals), user experience becomes a central point in optimizing your SEO.

Thus, the setting up of a CDN enables you to give your SEO a little "boost" in the response times of your sites and to increase their load speed (sorry, SERP is the "web world" in its jargon for "search engine results"). (The "search engine results page."

A CDN caches static content. Static content consists of files like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files that remain the same for each user. These files don't need to be generated dynamically according to a set of rules - they are dynamic content; the static files are right there, and everyone uses them. By making these static files available on a CDN with many servers worldwide, you can make them available to your visitors very quickly.

There are other advantages to setting up a CDN. A CDN allows you, for example, to absorb traffic peaks on your website or increase its availability rate.

So is a CDN good for SEO too? Insofar as Google likes fast and secure sites, we can confirm that setting up a CDN is also beneficial for your SEO.

The interest of the CDN in an international SEO strategy

The interest of a CDN is even greater as part of an international SEO strategy.

Indeed, the speed of loading your site in the world can be slowed down, particularly in the countries that are at a significant distance from the server where it is hosted on your Internet site.

Thanks to the CDN, even if your website is hosted in Nantes in our clean room, the pages of your website will be displayed in good performance conditions in Canada, Spain, or the USA.

If you are therefore targeting several geographic areas, you cannot, of course, have accommodation in each of the targeted countries. The best and most sustainable solution is to use a CDN.

On a technical level and for the "more Geek" among us, the primary role of a CDN is to reduce latency and Time to First Byte (TTFB). CDNs use a so-called "anycast" IP address, that is to say, an unlocated IP address which makes it possible to redirect the Internet user's request to the nearest point of presence (PoP) and so as we said. earlier in this article, to speed up the loading time of the site. CQFD!

How to set up a CDN?

In reality, there are different types of CDN (Zone Pull CDN and Zone Push CDN, for example), but this article is not intended to be technical, and we will therefore skip this chapter. You will no doubt be grateful to us!

Setting up a CDN requires technical skills that require your web agency's expertise but rest assured, for you, this is completely transparent, and you will not have to invest in a hundred servers or configure them!

Setting up a CDN is very simple, for example, if you have a site developed on the WordPress CMS and hosted on our servers. We have been web hosts for more than 25 years, we can set it up and configure it for you quickly, and any proportion kept inexpensive!

Some of our WordPress hosting offers, by default, include a CDN configuration. The easiest way is to contact us.

The implementation and configuration of a CDN can, on the other hand, become much more complex, for example, in the context of distributed infrastructures.

Seo services in Lahore have the expertise to assist you on projects, solutions, or architecture-specific.

In particular, we support major accounts on the implementation of architectures based on Amazon AWS Cloudfront, Cloudflare, StackPath (formerly MaxCDN), etc.
