How to make a business plan for a juice bar


In the first part of a juice bar the business plan must present the team and the genesis of the juice bar project. The objective is to explain the motivations that lead the project leader to open his juice bar and demonstrate the human/project adequacy: this part aims to give confidence to the funders, to show that the project leader is capable of making the structure profitable make it sustainable.

Therefore, the analysis and argumentation approach is similar to that adopted for any professional retraining. And this, taking into accounts the fact that a juice bar owner must be able to justify, at a minimum for the business plan:

Experience and skills in managing a profit center: a juice bar is an establishment whose management must be very supervised, solid, and reliable to guarantee its profitability.

Experience and skills in customer relations, sales, or events for your business: a juice bar is, above all, a place of life and exchanges in which the personality and the manager's ability to make contacts are essential.

To prepare the rest of the document, particularly the market study and the presentation of the marketing strategy, it is also in this first part of the juice bar business plan that it may be relevant to "tell" the discovery and the choice of the juice bar franchise. For example, how it was known, what criteria guided the choice, etc.?

Present the market research for business plan

In franchising, the national market study, referred to as the general state of the market, is provided by the franchisor. This global presentation of the main consumption trends of juice bars, average baskets, attendance rate, etc., should be included in this part of your juice bar business plan.

The project leader must also complete this general presentation of the market with an analysis of his catchment area. And on this point, it is advisable to reverse what is done for other sectors of activity if the project concerns a drink juice bar. This is because the law provides for numerous exclusions from establishments for the places of alcoholic beverages.

This local market analysis should make it possible to select a location for the future juice bar and defend its relevance to funders.

Outline the marketing and communication strategy for the juice bar

With a juice shop franchise, the marketing strategy and the national communication strategy presented in the business plan are provided by the franchisor. Indeed, the marketing strategy (specificities of the juice bar's offer, price positioning, target, etc.) is a key element of the brand's concept.

These are marketing positions dictated directly by the franchisor and presented in the juice bar business plan while being linked to the market study, the results of which were presented just before.

Very often, the franchisor gives a guideline regarding the marketing actions carried out throughout the year, on-site, on social networks, etc. And it is finally the franchisor who manages the national communication of the brand to develop its notoriety with consumers.

On the other hand, it is up to the franchisee, future juice bar owner, to decide which strategy to implement for his local communication, in particular before opening. This communication can include an inauguration, a private evening during which certain important cultural, political, and economic players in the catchment area can be invited. It is also common to set up a promotional offer to attract customers during the first days of the juice bar's opening. Finally, the sponsorship of sports or charitable associations can make it possible to generate, before the opening, articles in the local press likely to publicize the future establishment.

In any case, these strategies should be presented and made explicit in the juice bar business plan.

Demonstrate the economic model and financial forecasts

In the juice bar sector, competition is fierce, and profitability is not always present. It is for this reason that franchises have been gradually gaining ground for many years. Indeed, juice bar franchises have succeeded in articulating an attractive and appealing concept for consumers with an efficient business model for franchisees.

Sourcing of products (drinks and raw materials for recipes cooked on site, whether they are ready meals or appetizer boards), the cost price of recipes, organization of workstations, type of premises and maximum amount of acceptable rent, average basket, etc.: all these elements have been calibrated on the pilot units and the brand's other franchised juice shops and can therefore be reproduced. The juice bar the business plan aimed at demonstrating the project's profitability to funders must therefore include these elements. The same goes for financial forecasts, which can be drawn up based not only on market research data but also on the balance sheets of other juice bars in the network.

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